Household > Home

This section of WasteConnect is dedicated to helping you to find out all of the information you need to recycle your household waste. We have provided a comprehensive, searchable database of recycling points throughout the UK, a key resource for the environmentally aware household.

You will also find help and advice on all aspects of recycling at home, some hints and tips for managing your household rubbish and we've also added information that will help you to discover how to minimise the effect that you have on the environment and how to make your household more environmentally friendly.

Recycling Search

Why not try our comprehensive, searchable database of recycling points throughout the UK. A key resource for the environmentally aware household.

From CDs to Office Paper, from Composting to Ink Cartridges, you’ll find everything you ever wanted to know about recycling and more!

Why Recycle?

Each household produces about one tonne of rubbish annually, amounting to approximately 27 million tonnes for the UK each year.

Today's rubbish compared to pre-1960s rubbish, contains more products that don't break down when they're put in the ground. Packaging waste makes up about a quarter of all the rubbish you put in your bin, most of this could be recycled.


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